Don't use "Alternative" Energy

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In my venture in attending higher education one speech communication course titled “Theory of Persuasion” is a course that will ever more be the course that will direct myself in any communication strategy.

I inferred that the choice of the words one uses in addressing others has a overwhelming influence on how the message is perceived. If the receiver has a different perception of a particular word the message delivered will be different than the intent of the deliverer.

In our world of electric energy production we use the word “alternative”.

The word “alternative” to most has a premonition of second choice; as if the production of electric energy and/or thermal energy via wind and/or sun is secondary or of little importance.

Watch peoples' reaction to your own recitation of your energy involvement. “I deal with “alternative” energy” or, I use “alternative energy”; for the majority of U.S. Citizens a state of denial is envisioned; why should they be concerned?

The word “alternative” has the premonition of little importance, secondary and uncertain. Also the word “alternative” has the connection with “work”. One does not just plug an appliance into a electric socket and never give a thought to the process required to acquire energy to power it when attached to natural energy. Work is involved

Using wind and/or sun requires human involvement, therefore, the word “alternative” may infer work. Most people surveyed have indicated they feel over worked already, they sure don't want more work. Let's drop the word “alternative”.

I am using the word “appropriate” instead of alternative in my discourses concerning electric energy produced via wind/sun. When the word appropriate is used in context with energy production there is a symbolic inference that “appropriate” energy is the better means of electric energy, not a second rate alternative method.

Think of what appropriate symbolizes. If one is using electricity derived from natural energy there is little other electric producing methods that do not pollute our environment; isn't that appropriate? Is any material thing or action done or acquired without work? Isn't that appropriate living?

If changing our word usage is implemented by the natural energy industry; I believe the attitude of all persons toward their energy usage will change when the change of words will change their perspective of what we are doing to our own living environment. The changing of symbols, words, has a greater impact on change than redundant drumming by the agents of doom. Appropriate to your neighbor's rights? Appropriate to a healthy environment? Appropriate to survival of humans?

R.L. Philippi

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