The Envelope, Please

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Living in the frozen surrounds of Minnesota in January a familiar greeting one often hears is, “Global Warming, ha. Where is it?” It was a great mistake for the scientific communities to to rely on the main stream media to present a catastrophic conclusion to the consumption ideology that drives the existence of mass being.

Having the opportunity to converse with different people with different education levels; the topic of climate change is down played as a problem solved or non-existent by many. Most of the doubter's statements are conventional.

Arguments such as; natural temperature increases because of volcanic eruptions; illustrate how insignificant homosapiens are in controlling nature. Evidence of volcanic eruptions in ice core samples disproves the imbalance of nature to itself.

Another argument presented is that warm temperature dissipates. The majority of the natural gases that envelopes our earth is oxygen. Oxygen is a chemical element on the Periodic Table.

All chemical components have a state of stability where the element will not bind with or react with another compound. Oxygen is in stability at negative 500c degrees. That is the reason warm air is destine to leave a warm environment. It seeks stability as do all elements.

The problem is that the Earth's environmental temperature is raising greater than the polar ice caps can balance. The amount of British Thermal Units (BTU) seven and a half Billion humans plus our live stock and combustion dependent infrastructure produce are more than the ice caps can handle.

Natural Law Rules

Many argue that temperate gases just dissipate. That can not happen because the Second Law of Conservation states; Matter (energy*) can not be created or destroyed only transferred from form to another.

If you ignite a wooden kitchen stove match and let it completely burn what remains after the flame is extinguished are the remains of the sulphur and the burnt skeleton of the wood stick. The weight of the remains will equal the weight for a non- struck match. If you doubt that remember the release of heat from the combustion needs to be included in weight calculations.

Space Heating

To illustrate how we are causing excessive heating in the envelope that contains the planet Earth and why the heat extracted from wood, coal, oil, municipal waste, and uranium doesn't just disappear we will need an imaginary closed space. Use your imagination.


Let's use a cube that is eight foot by eight foot by eight foot, The walls are imaginary. Outside the five hundred twelve cubic foot space is nothing but ether. By ether I mean nothing that can conduct that heat or transfer it. Similar to the outer space our world is in.

An electric heater is placed inside the cube. The heat generated from the electric element cannot escape or be absorbed by anything because there isn't. The heated air just accumulates until the input equals the trapped space.

It's the same for our planet Earth. The heat generated by combustion through transportation, electricity, and industrial production and, the heat generated by the population of animals doesn't just disappear.

The heated oxygen heads to the coldest site for stability it can find in the Earth's envelope; the polar ice caps. The other gases produced from combustion such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can not return to a natural state because the carbon and the two parts oxygen would need an energy to separate its bond.

Even if the energy used to separate the carbon from the oxygen is derived from the sun the net gain will be only marginal. All means of energy sources known to us is connected someway to carbon derivatives.

So What's the Problem?

It appears that in the extreme climates, either too warm or too cold, homosapiens will challenge nature with man-made protection for independent survival. Shelter, controlled fire, and tools along with communication assured homosapiens survival most anywhere on the planet Earth.

Even in climates that are hospitable for the Creation of homosapiens or the evolution of an animal that will be homosapiens, they would desire the ways and means to minimize nature's wrath. Nature was likely homosapiens first god.

From the time an animal instincts evolved to memory then reason until today homosapiens have utilized nature's substances to combat nature's being. A likely reason why nature lost its recognition as homosapiens god is because of the terrifying changes of earth's topography.

To pretend that the trillions of BTUs that we have and are still producing in our envelope are not having detrimental change on weather patterns; is similar to saying that If one wears a winter coat in mid July perspiration will not be the effect.

* Matter is replaced with energy. Both energy and matter can be measured.





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