Pioneer Press refute

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When ever I purchase a Minnesota newspaper I purchase the Pioneer Press, because if the majority of residence religiously read the other paper there is a high possibility that those readers' perceptions are status que. The publishing of the article by Max Schulz 3-26-09 (Let's at least be honest about renewable energy's costs) disproves my theory. To print such shallow arguments he issues; comparing the costs of appropriate energies such as wind, water and solar with coal, oil, and nuclear, without including the cost of the externalities those “Dependable” are costing us, is shallow. This is the same rhetoric used by the titans of the industrial age. 'It's progress-Damned what you can't count'.

Those once damned externalities are now costing us with unpredictable climate change, dead lakes, cardiac-vascular disruptions and acid rains, etc. Nothing is free.

I understand that the article is published as an editorial but for the PP editorial board to publish this tripe is as inane as publishing an editorial by a Drug Rehab. Director that our President is a habitual drug user.


R. L. Philippi

Maple Lake

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