Going Green Nuclear Misnomer

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How is utilizing nuclear power “Going Green”? Minnesota Representative Bruce Anderson (R) 19A and many others continue to reason that nuclear power is safe probably because nothing immediately life threating has happened yet.

It is also reasoned that nuclear power is “clean”. Talk with the Indian tribes that are assigned to host the site of nuclear waste dump at Yucan Mountain; the same tribes that where forced to inhabit an area that is deplete of human resources now are likely to succumb.

And one cannot forget that uranium, the ore needed to fuel the reaction is another foot print in the raping of our Earth. The massive raping of the Earth surface along with great amount of water used and the radio active tailings are not part of “Going Green”.

The only part of Representative Anderson's approval on nuclear power that may have merit is reliability. The reason it is viewed reliable is because uranium is plentiful and the power plants are subsidized by our Federal Government. If the users of nuclear power where to pay the full cost of nuclear energy the cost per kilowatt would greatly increase.

To state other countries use nuclear power does not mean that its' citizens approve its use. The industrial hierarchy welcomed it.

If the Monticello Nuclear power plant has a major structural problem with its nuclear core the “Going Green” of all Wright County will be “going under”.

Submitted 4/09/08 Wright County Journal Last sentence not pulished


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