Lindsey William's Doubt

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I witnessed the speeches presented by Lindsey Williams on You-Tube. Everything he states have been stated by many other researchers/writers as far back as the first energy crises of the nineteen seventies.

I reflect a doubt that ANYONE could be invited to witness an American oil ministers meetings, but possibly I should have more faith in the words of a minister.

Maybe Rev. Lindsey Williams is decoy to trap the unknowing public into thinking that because of the massive crude oil supply off of Alaska that an oil crisis will be averted, therefore, conserving energy (oil) is actually frugal. One needs to remember that the oil business is profitable thru volume sales.

If the supply of oil drops the price paid at the gas pump rises. If the number of buyers of oil products decreases to the point where refineries need to only refine a smaller volume of oil the price still rises because the efficiency of refining crude oil is volume based.

I'm sure an economist could draw a line that represent the supply/ demand with production cost associated with the supply/demand curve. There are many unknown parameters to the oil industry that can only be speculated on by myself but that is not a reason for all consumers to refine their own lifestyles by reducing their oil usage.

Remember; it's not only about the supply of oil, it's also about the limited supply of oxygen used to combust the fuels. Any scientific researcher that can prove that vegetation produces more oxygen than the plant uses itself to decompose will be the next Bill Gates.

R.L. Philippi

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