Solar Power Satellites

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An article published in the Minneapolis Tribune (10l20l08) written by Ben Bova projects one of the potential solutions in resolving the externalities associated with electric energy production by combustion.

Ben's article is not reporting a new proposal; in fact I first read about photovoltaic (solar) cells attached to outer space satellites back in the eighties.

The article presents information that gives solar technology a reinforcement to the negativity orchestrated by the carbon investors beginning back in the late seventies.

Today solar technologies still combat the “sun doesn't shine at night” retort. For many people that retort is empty rhetoric that signifies the dependence of the speakers to the inefficiencies of present mass electrification.

The article is written as a letter to the future President of the United States. It points out the legacy that the newly elected President would acquire if electric energy is produced efficiently by solar power satellites (SPS). I hope the Presidential candidates read Ben Bova's article.

Efficiency meaning without raping the Earth of natural resources then converting the millions of gallons of oil and millions of tons of coal to CO2. That waste is choking any beneficial claims made by proponents of the present industrialization.

The electric energy produced by SPS would be transferred by microwaving the energy back to Earth. That last statement may have issued a challenge from the “down to earth” people that may view microwaving of food as unnatural.

The transfer of energy from source to intention happens three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Microwaving falls under the classification of radiation. Radiation is incorrectly recognized only as the dangerous by-product of nuclear power. Such is the reason why many turn their nose at the idea of microwaving foods.

Even if this exotic electric generating system were ratified thru Congressional procedures a larger problem exists that requires immediate attention; until the present forty year old electrical distributional system (the Grid) is rebuilt our reliability on any mass means of electrical generation is nothing more than a dream.

T. Boone Pickens is organizing an army of concerned citizens on the premise that reformation of our electrical distributional system (the Grid) is a $600 Billion necessity. With our Government bailing out AIG and Wall Street it is doubtful that the Pickens Plan will acquire the necessary funds through our Federal government to achieve its goal.

Should we fiance a SPS electric generation system and the reformation of our electrical Grid? Are there enough investors with the necessary capital to complete these tasks? How will the investors get an equitable return on their



investment? How much would we pay for a kilowatt hour of electric energy?

These and many more unknown issues that are a result of combustion of carbon (climate change) will necessitate change to our consumer culture. Many of the United States infrastructures are also in dire straights.

Most of us do not want to think about the possibility of life without electric power. The economic cost of acquiring non-polluting electric energy will be great.

Now is the time to consider assuring that your water source is powered by Solar Power on Earth (SPE). This decade will be a time of change that many individuals and collectives will need to rethink their dependence of electric power from combustion.

R.L. Philippi


Best Energy Conservation Opportunities Inc.























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